Opening School Doors to Help Michigan Kids

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This fall is perhaps the most important of our lifetimes.

Parents and students are scrambling to find educational options after many districts across the state opted this month to lock them out of the classroom for the start of the school year.

Lawmakers are scrambling to fill budget holes, to demand accountability from public school bureaucrats, and to find creative solutions to generational problems.

At the same time, control of the House of Representatives is up for grabs in a matter of weeks, with the next two years hanging in the balance for parents desperately in need of school choices.

The Great Lakes Education Project is working literally day and night in Lansing and across the state to make the most of these critical days, and to deliver results for parents. We encourage you to join us.

Beth DeShone
Executive Director, Great Lakes Education Project
P.S. Will you consider fighting alongside us to open school buildings, hold bureaucrats accountable, and win the House for school choice advocates this fall? Your contribution of $10, $20, or $50 would make a real difference.  Your support matters, and we can’t do this important work without you!
“Classrooms should be open this fall for kids whose parents are comfortable sending them back to school. There’s nothing political about it. It’s the conclusion of researchers and doctors, pediatricians and the Centers for Disease Control, the unmistakable direction offered by the science and the data.”
“In recent testimony before the Senate Education Committee, Rice raised the ire of school choice proponents with his suggestion of freezing enrollment to reduce the movement of students to other districts (in other words, nix the financial incentive for competing districts to increase their enrollment).
“Great LakesEducation Project Executive Director Beth DeShone referred to this as wanting to “hold families hostage from potential education opportunities that best meet the needs of students.”

GLEP: Centers for Disease Control: Get Kids Back in the Classroom

“The science, the data, and the Centers for Disease Control say it’s time to get Michigan kids back in the classroom. We strongly encourage local school boards, administrations, and policymakers to open classroom doors this September. Michigan kids’ social, emotional, and educational futures depend on adults’ willingness to follow the science and the data and to put students’ needs first.”

With students’ social, emotional, and educational futures at stake, we’re urging local school boards and policymakers to follow expert guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, to rely on science and data – not fear – and to safely get kids back in the classroom for in-person learning.

Our kids’ health and future are on the line.
According to the CDC:
“The available evidence provides reason to believe that in-person schooling is in the best interest of students, particularly in the context of appropriate mitigation measures similar to those implemented at essential workplaces.”
“The best available evidence indicates if children become infected, they are far less likely to suffer severe symptoms… At the same time, the harms attributed to closed schools on the social, emotional and behavioral health, economic well-being, and academic achievement of children, in both the short- and long-term, are well-known and significant. Further, the lack of in-person educational options disproportionately harms low-income and minority children and those living with disabilities. These students are far less likely to have access to private instruction and care and far more likely to rely on key school-supported resources… to meet basic developmental needs.”
The experts couldn’t be clearer. It’s time to get kids back in school.

It’s time to support candidates who agree, too. Stay tuned in the days to come for important endorsements from GLEP in House races across the state. Working together, we’ll make a real difference for Michigan students.


Your contribution of $5, $10, or even $50 could make a real difference for our kids this fall. Will you stand with us?

Giving is easy. Just click here.


