Whitmer Closes Schools Again – Defying Science, Global Experience

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Classroom learning for high school students has been “paused” for the next 3 weeks, though insiders expect the classroom cancelation to last at least the remainder of the calendar year.

The status of in-person learning in K-8 classrooms remains the discretion of local districts, many of which still haven’t returned to the school building since March.

We stand with you in the belief that the health, safety, wellbeing, and success of Michigan’s kids matters – and school delivers.

Each of those areas of focus leads to the same conclusion – keep students safely in the classroom.

That’s not just GLEP’s conclusion. It’s the conclusion of nations across the world. In Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and more, they’ve pioneered creative solutions.

In Italy, they’re following emerging evidence that schools are not major centers of virus transmission.

According to NPR, these and other nations are “demonstrating a commitment to avoiding the worst impacts of the pandemic on children.”

As studies and experience demonstrate again and again the harm being done by the Governor’s approach, we’re giving you a voice. Because it’s your voice that matters most.

We hope you’ll use it.

Beth DeShone
Executive Director, Great Lakes Education Projecthttps://campaign-image.com/zohocampaigns/268876000014843836_zc_v86_saywhat1.png

Michigan’s Big Show: Beth DeShone talks School Shutdowns statewide with Michael Patrick Shiels
“I worry about whether this is the right action. Where we’re seeing cases rise are in social gatherings. School is a controlled environment where they’re being monitored, ensured a mask is on, and handwashing throughout the day.”

GLEP: Pro-Student Leaders Backed by GLEP Win State House Races across Michigan
“The Great Lakes Education Project is proud and excited that voters in every corner of the state elected men and women willing to stand up for Michigan’s kids.”


Not surprisingly, the Michigan Education Association isn’t satisfied with only partial school closures. They’re applying significant public and private pressure to the Governor and administration officials to cancel school across the board for the remainder of the pandemic.

It’s an approach that defies science, ignores both the data and the history, and will have a devastating impact on students for years to come.

Studies are already showing learning loss across the state that will take students years to overcome.

The latest unscientific action by Governor Whitmer will only make the crisis worse.


Schools across the state are closed again, and the state’s biggest teachers union has launched a full court press to convince Governor Whitmer to close the rest of them indefinitely.

Now’s the time to speak up and make sure families’ voices are heard.

We launched MISafeSchoolOptions.org to give every family in the state a voice and an easy way to stand up for their own children.

Please click through right now and tell the governor your child deserves safe learning options.
