Happy Holidays from GLEP

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Talk about a lump of coal in parents’ stockings.

Some of the state’s biggest public-school bureaucrats are starting a drumbeat about their frustration with student performance being used as a part of annual teacher evaluations.

Michigan’s public schools exist to prepare Michigan’s students for college, skilled training or the workforce.  Our kids deserve nothing less.  Parents and teachers also have the right to clearly know how their students are performing in the classroom, and student test scores – while not a perfect or the only measure – are one incredibly important and objective way to ensure our schools are laser focused on delivering for our kids.

We are blessed to have fantastic teachers across Michigan.  Including student performance metrics as one part of teacher evaluations both keeps the focus on our kids and helps schools ensure they’re doing the absolute best job possible to prepare them for the future.

As we head into the holidays we wish you the very best and we promise – we’ll never stop fighting to protect the rights of kids and their parents.

Beth DeShone
Executive Director
Great Lakes Education Project

Bureaucrats in Lansing spend their days plotting ways to make public education less responsive to parents. They think they’re their kids – not yours.

It’s time to speak out and stand up.

On Thursday, January 27, 2022, the Great Lakes Education Project and partner organizations from across the state will host Michigan’s annual celebration of parental control and student success.

We hope you’ll mark your calendars and RSVP today for our National School Choice Week celebration.
Our annual National School Choice Week event will be held inside the state Capitol and it’s a fantastic opportunity for parents, students, teachers and advocates to connect with elected officials, with policymakers, and with one another.

The event will feature presentations from parents, from students, and from teachers.

You can RSVP today through this link: https://bit.ly/NSCW2022
